Sunday, 25 September 2011

Not catching up

From St.Petersburg 2011

We went to a tuparit (house warming) yesterday (unfortunately luckily no tales or photos of people misbehaving as we left by 10pm) and saw numerous people who we haven't seen in six months.  We forgot the tradition present of bread and salt, but did manage to add to the pile of candle holders and lanterns...

When asked what we'd been up to I was surprised by how much we had been doing, like trips (and lots of photos of course) to Barcelona, St. Petersburg and Gotland.  Also with my typical uselessness in social occasions I pretty much failed to find out what anyone else had been up to (well except Bore, I figured she had obviously moved house as it was her party) - I even failed to get the name of the friendly person who gave us a lift back home...

There was meant to be a clever point to this about catching up on news, people and uploading photos or something - but due to a dose of near-fatal man-flu I can't figure out how it goes now. Whatever...

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Open (House) Helsinki 2011

Apart from the fact that they can't decide if the event has the word 'house' in it or not, and there are also places in Espoo and Vantaa (well I suppose that is 'greater' Helsinki ) as you might guess this week was this year's opportunity to get into public and private buildings that you often can't. And ships.

Now we have a proper internet connection at last, I can finally upload a decent number of photographs with out waiting for Godot. Be afraid...

(Click on Picasa album links below for more pictures)

Open House Helsinki - saunalahden lastentalo

Open House Helsinki - Urho ja Sisu

Open House - Musikkitalo, WG Lofts, Stora Enso

Open House - Pyhän Laurin kappeli

Sunday, 15 May 2011

This is not a blog post

We have been exceedingly lazy on the blog front this year. If you are reading this via Facebook (as it posts as a note there automatically) you may not realise there are also so my tweets (via Twitter) on this page ... well occasionally.  Luckily Sähkötonttu doesn't have a Twitter account.

You could always read 'Jees Helsinki Jees' while you are waiting, which I only recently found (when doing a search for Jonathan Glancey's critique of the new Musiikitalo in HS - 'kone ilman sielu') ... how have I missed this cool blog until now?

And now a list of things we haven't blogged about:

  • Elections
  • Spring
  • Metalligrafiikka courses (etching)
  • Keramiikka course (wobbly pots and other lumpy objects)
  • Finnish indie-pop music (Rubik, Regina, LCDMF)
  • Spotify
  • Radio Helsinki (finally a radio station I can live with)
  • Musiikitalo
  • Työ

Friday, 4 February 2011

Mistä olet sinä kotoisin?

Great Eng..Brit..UK-land Isles (jne) by C.G.P. Grey via Holy Kaw and @stephenfry

One of the first things you learn in Finnish language lessons is the simple question 'Where are you from?'
What people don't always understand is that may not be as straightforward a query to answer as you might think... now all I need to do is translate the video* into Finnish. Or maybe make a t-shirt of that Venn diagram.

[suomen kielien kurssissa]

  • Opiskellija 1: Hei 
  • Opiskellija 2:  Moi
  • Missä sinä asut?
  • Asun Helsingissa. Olen asunnut suomessa noin kolme vuotta.
  • Mista olet sinä kotoisin? Oletko englantilainen?
  • Olen englannista, mutta myös iso-brittaniasta ja brittein saarista ja u.k:sta
  • Mitä!?
  • Olen britti ja englantilainen kyllä. Mutta minun passini kertoo 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'
  • Kirja vain sanoo 'maa: englanti, keili: englantia,  kansalaisuus: englantilainen - englannista...
  • Tiedän, mutta on monimutkainen maa. 
  • Sitten... oletko irlantilainen myös?
  • En ole. Ihminen voi olla irlantilainen ja iso-brittanista, mutta ei aina.
  • En ymmärrä sinun maa!
  • Määt - monikko. OK. Sinun vuoro. Mistä sinä...
  • Opettaja: Oletteko valmis seuraava harjoitus?

I wonder if there is a video to explain London, Greater London, Inner London, Central London, London Boroughs and City of London...

* Arguably there are still a few inaccuracies in this video. Or possibly sarcasm. See the comments on 'Holy Kaw' here.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Non-Angry Birds

Sorsa X Tööllönlahden lähellä sunnuntaina: 'En ole vihainen lintu'

If you live in Finland or read any 'tech'/games media (or own an iPhone) you probably don't need me to tell you about Angry Birds (Vihaiset Linnut) the hit game developed in Finland by Rovio (and no. 1 downloaded paid app just about everywhere).  Over Christmas Konna and I discovered the phenomenon and quickly became addicted. I even had to get the Mac version for her to play while I was away so she would let me take my iPod with me... I'm convinced that even though the birds and green pigs (don't ask) only make nonsense noises, you can tell they have Finnish accents. And just to rub it in on one level the linnut are attacking a 'tank' manned (pigged?) by said vihreät siät flying a ruotsalainen lippu (thats the blue and yellow flag of the country just to the left of us in case you were wondering).

On Sunday we went for a four hour walk around across Hakaniemenlahti and Töölönlahti (just getting used to taking winter short cuts after three years).  The sky was gloriously clear and blue, though the wind was fierce, so ideal for a few (dozen) about a hundred photos.  Stopping to look at the ducks and snow sculptures, we then headed past the Olympic stadium, where traditionally clad skaters were flocking for the first ever public access to the temporary ice rink, and then through Sibeliuksenpuisto to the my favourite, the fantastically unorthodox Cafe Regatta - only to discover we had the sum total of eight euros* between us for a lunch. We settled for freshly baked korvupuustia and a shared coffee...  and luckily coffee refills get a five cent refund making it a bottomless cup. As I said - unorthodox.

Crossing Töölönlahti

* Not enough for two drinks and two pullaa, let alone lunch. And Regatta isn't particularly expensive.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Reverse culture shock

Konna's tea shipment

Something I noticed while back in UK was that I have now been away long enough to notice and be surprised by things which were part of my everyday life not so long ago. Some examples:

  • First, an obvious one - how busy, diverse, big and loud London is compared to Helsinki (remember the population of London is bigger than the population of Finland). Especially on the Underground.
  • Cold and damp - walking to a gig in Portsmouth I was shivering, even though it was +3°C and I was well dressed. The cold, damp air was penetrating; give me -7°C here in desiccated Helsinki any day.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Un-boxing days

Twinkle kept out of Heisenburg's boxes

I'm sure our boxes had been breeding - there is no way we left a whole room full last year...

Although I had two weeks to do it, seeing a room full of 34 boxes, 2 chairs, 2 glass tables, 1 rug, 2 shelves, several large framed pictures, a drawing board, several portfolio cases, and a crate and several blue Ikea bags of miscellaneous 'stuff' (1950's radio anyone?) and a cat* made me think I had my work cut out for me. I actually  wondered if I would have time to visit friends in Pompey** and Town*** as promised.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Boxing Days

These are not my shoes left in a box in England...

Okay the title sounds a few weeks late* (a bit like the updating of this blog), but anyway in a few days I am heading back to Blackwater/Hawley (whichever it is - even though GoogleMaps claims it is Frogmore!) for a few weeks of sorting through boxes.  Yes these are the boxes of 'precious' items (aka junk) that got packed up over three years ago, spent over a year in storage in London, got moved to a spare room in my mother's house and have survived various attempts at selecting useful/desired things to bring over here.