Wednesday 1 September 2010

Normal service will be resumed shortly... ehkä

I've heard it said (by TV de-clutterers usually) that if you put something in a box, and don't get it out again for six months then you don't need it any more. So by that standard I should be deleting this blog (and my facebook, twitter and defunct email accounts). On the other hand if you've ever gone through an old box of things you had in storage and had the joy of rediscovering an old book, memento or childhood toy you may have your doubt's about that. 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' after all. Maybe it's the summer ending, but I think I'm starting to feel the blogging bug stirring.

Just don't hold your breath.


Robin said...

Go on it.

Sorry for no contact / silence.

Will be in contact soon...hope you had a good birthday. Been difficult feww months - Kaths mum died, my dads on his last legs and neither Kath or I are sure if we will have jobs next year :(. Longer email to follow soon.

Carmen said...

You're back! YAY! :)