Saturday 1 November 2008

Valoa ja vauhtia pimeydessä?

= Light and speed in the darkness?

Following emmdee's previous weather related blog I thought to soften the common belief that it is dark for half a year in Finland... and that you can't ride motorcycles during this so called dark half of the year...

For a moment the dark day turned into LIGHTFULL athmosphere & motorcycles (+ good food) when we visited Teclux showroom (Pohj. Hesperiankatu 7, Helsinki) last week, where the selected models of Ducati were competing with the selection of Artemid lights (designs for both from 65 to present day).

Then again did this convince anyone that it is not always dark in Finland and that you can enjoy life during this period? No? Ok then - be like that...


emmdee said...


Unknown said...

I am afraid you haven't convinced me at all, I know it is dark there for more than 6 months a year.

emmdee said...

You're just jealous that we have more cosy winter evenings than you do.