Saturday 11 April 2009

Kevät tulee!

Kevät on tulossa Helsinkiin - Spring is on it's way in Helsinki

Usually Easter marks the start for the spring in my mind. I remember the feeling approaching Helsinki after Easter when coming back seeing my gran in middle Finland (Savo) when I was a kid - not much snow on the ground and much warmer than 5-6h before...

This year we are spending Easter in Helsinki - the snow is going fast and the weather is varied - from sunny spells to foggy wet mornings (similar than at the beginning of the film Silence of the Lambs when Clarise is running in the misty wintry forest - when her breath is clearly visible from mile away and the bare tree branches set against an oppressive grey sky, meeting somewhere between impressionism and expressionism...)... Yes we have started our morning nordic stick walks in 'Mustavuori' (=Black Mountain... a hilly forest area really)...

Lumi sulaa ja linnut muuttaa takaisin... Snow is melting and the birds are returning...

Yes, the morning alarm sound is not like bird song to our ears, but we'll get up and face the nature - less snow and more twiit-twiit-twiit every morning (+weirdly dressed bird watchers in noisy multi-colour shell suits). I guess soon we should lower the boats into the water and so on...

Kunnes jäät sulavat... - Until all the ice melts...
['tämä on vene' (=this is a boat)]

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