Saturday 4 October 2008

Word clouds

Since I'm in the business of nicking ideas from other people's blogs at the moment (see the 'Yearbook' photos below) I thought I'd do this one now.  You may have seen these around in various forms: 'word clouds' in which the bigger the word the higher frequency it's use in the text. So just a kind of graph really. Wow, I managed to make them sound really boring, and they are actually kind of fascinating.

Anyway, these are made using Wordle and represent the blog to date... 

above, left to right: July & August.
top: the whole darn thing (well July to September anyway)


Rune said...

emmdee, can you use this to index your site?

I've been having no luck with any tags clouds.

emmdee said...

Don't think so. Only seems to be manual - although think there is option for tags on it.