Wednesday 12 November 2008

Finnish studs

so... what exactly is this a picture of!? nokian talvirenkaat

Well the title might have generated a few unusual search hits, and you may be worrying what exactly that aggressive and phallic looking thing is (especially if you were trying to get here), but don't worry it's nothing like that - nor is this post about a suomea remake of the 1970's film of Jackie Collins' book...   

Instead, ask yourself - if you could hear winter approaching what would it sound like?

Since the beginning of the month, walking alongside the roads as the evenings draw in, I have increasingly heard the winter creeping up on us.  That is the crunching-hiss of studded talvirenkaat (winter tyres) on passing cars, almost like a distant gravel drive.  Studded winter tyres are allowed from 1 November to the end of March, and winter tyres (not necessarily studded) are obligitory between 1 December and Feb 28th (or whenever weather conditions are considered bad enough to need them). I imagine if we actually had a car that tonttu creature would be complaining we haven't changed tyres yet...

Other essential winter items are engine block heaters, so the car will actually start (so that's what those posts in all the carparks are), and super anti-freeze in the windscreen wash (there is one called superpiss - I kid you not).  Passing the Finnish winter (ice) driving test helps too I guess. It is often said that the combination of snow, ice, lonely gravel roads, studded tyres, and the terrifying 'I was here first' rule for joining traffic, is the reason for Finland's unsurpassed output of rally and race drivers (well except this year). 

Luckily for us (admittedly occasional) cyclists there also studded winter bike tyres available (as shown in the picture if you hadn't realised) - and if you have ever gone down on a bike on ice or snow you will appreciate that.  I just need to decide if I am really going to take my bike out in the cold & dark before buying some... I mean there's lots else to do inside...


Rune said...

The more you describe Finland, the more I am determined to come and stay. Is it true that there is a high incidence of drink driving and that people have to wait a year before they can serve their sentence in clink because they are full up? Or is that Norway?

emmdee said...

Maybe I should work for the tourist board?
Tottakai, drink driving and alcohol abuse is a problem here... but never heard that story before though, so maybe it is in Norja. Law is pretty hard on drunk driving - apparently it used to include hard labour - penalty is 3 months prison if over 0.5mg (compare to 0.8mg in UK) that's 1 beer.

I should post more about the alcohol issue sometime - but it's quite depressing. See

If you are really thinking of coming here for more than a holiday I recommend 'Culture shock! Finland' by Deborah Swallow, although it's getting a bit dated (2001)

Rune said...

A post on the alcohol problem would be pretty good. Obviously living in Glasgow I'm very aware of the problem. I think that there are different reasons for the problems in northern countries.

At least you guys still get a decent winter.

Anonymous said...

Fnarr! Fnarr!