Tuesday 12 May 2009


Suomen lippuja: From hölynpöly

Tänään on JV Snellmanin päivä, suomalaisuuden päivä

Today is JV Snellman's day - the day of 'Finnishness'

Here are some ways to be Finnish today (if you are not already):
  • Try to be quiet or at least monosyllabic (unless using a mobile phone, in which case speak rapidly and volubly for at least 1 hour about your most personal issues while on public transport)
  • Don't smile at strangers, or anyone else much
  • Eat a disgusting black substance containing NH4Cl
  • Pretend W and V are the same letter
  • Shake hands with everyone you meet
  • When going for a walk take your ski-poles (you may need to hire some if you don't ski)
  • Sit naked on a bench in a small wooden hut heated with a stove full of rocks to between 70 and 90°C with several people you barely know; throw water on the rocks to make steam and sweat; if insufficiently masochistic so far hit yourself with leafy boughs; you may only leave to swim in a freezing lake; award self with a beer.  Repeat until cooked, drunk or drowned.
  • Eat lots of sausages. And potatoes. And then some more sausages. If you want vegetables or fruit you'll have to wait until autumn when the mushrooms and berries are around.  

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