Sunday 17 May 2009

In which summer hurtles towards us

mmmmm, ihana

It only seems like a couple of weeks ago since I was still writing about snow.  Now all the snow is long gone, winter gear retired to the attic/cellar and even the grit has been swept up and taken away.  Suddenly the bare birches have got this season's must have look (in leafy spring green) and as I look out the window at 22:31 twilight is falling, although the sun will be back in just six hours.  In a few weeks the schools will break for summer, and Juhannus - the nightless night - is only five weeks away...

Anyway we have been absorbed in working up our ideas for Europan (which has only six weeks to go - oh-ho!), and otherwise kept busy Nordic walking and going to an Utzon lecture (where we also bumped into Lewism) in the last week, and now my back is finally better I'll be back on my bike this week.

I also cooked a rather fine (even if I do say so myself) roast beef dinner for some friends today - but I'll show you a salad as it seems more seasonal - as well as better for you...

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