Monday, 15 September 2008

Have you tried switching it off and on again?

I've just come home from 'the course' to discover SiteMeter has broken due to the botched upgrade/downgrade over the weekend, so has not recorded any visits to the blog for today. Not quite in the same league of screw up as the Apple iPhone/iPod 2.0 software and MobileMe, but still... 

What really bothers me is that I'm bothered about it at all... why was I even checking SiteMeter now anyway? Am I getting obsessed with finding out who is looking at the blog (or at least guessing from the logs)? And finding it funny how Google sends people searching for 'Mölky', 'Seinijoki Town Hall', and 'Sataa sataa ropisee pilipilipom, pilipilipom' to the blog? Is this sane behavior? And is it 1984?

PS: You (oh imaginary reader) should read Mike Walsh's last post on cars/pedestrians in middle Finland by the way. Having been to Seinijoki myself I can confirm his observations - and even worse coming from London!


Breaking More Waves Blog said...

Sitemeter is interesting to look at sometimes, but don't become obsessed by it.

I find it interesting to look at once I've put a new blog up and then linked it to a few sites to see which sites I get the most referals from. That's useful to know for next time. For instance my recent blog of Bestival got 90% of its hits from a link from the Bestival website forum, about 8% from efestivals website forum, 1% from another festivals forum that I've decided isn't worth bothering with and 1% from google searches.

As I attempt to build readership I do find that those links on well read forums have the most success.

Anyway, any hits from Portsmouth are me or Kath I guess....

emmdee said...

I know - it's sad.

Most of ours are coming from emails, quite interesting how quickly/slowly people click on the links. Some from Facebook initially. And a few from leaving comments on other blogs. But the random ones are most fun!