Thursday 4 December 2008

4 - Glögi

Glögi is a hot, fruity, spicy drink served at christmas-time in Finland (and various other Nordic countries), and similar to mulled-wine or glühwien.

Usually served in a glass with raisins and almonds, it comes in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties so can be enjoyed by all the family through the christmas and new-year period - great when the weather is cold and dark, preferably in front of a flickering open fire. Mmmm!

We like the 'Marli' non-alco one best, and of course you can always mix with wine or even kosu if you need your pikujoulu party to go with a bang. Kummenna 1 osa glögiä ja 3 osaa vettä tai punaviiniä kiehumispisteeseen, älä keitä.  Lisää halutessasi rusinoita ja manteleita.

If you want to make your own, you could try this recipe from the Nordic Recipe Archive; or if you can't pop out to you local K-Kauppa you can buy alcoholic Glögg (note Swedish spelling) in Ikea all over the world - just add almonds, raisins and perhaps dilute it to taste, as I find their version a little strong.

Hic! Hyyväääjoouluuaa! Kiiiippisssh!

those vital ingredients...

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