Sunday 7 December 2008

7 - Adventtikynttilät

Candles on the window sill in Helsinki
Adventti tarkoittaa joulua edeltävää vajaan neljän viikon jaksoa kristillisessä kirkollisessa kalenterissa. Kirkkovuosi on keskiajan lopulta lähtien alkanut ensimmäisestä adventtisunnuntaista. Ennen joulua on neljä adventtisunnuntaita (nöyrtymisen, hengen, kunnian ja pyhä adventti). Suomalaisilla on tapana sytyttää adventtikynttilöitä - 'Advent Wreath' ei ole tunnettu Suomessa. Englannissa on tapana polttaa alakuvassa olevaa luomusta, johon sytytetään viides 'Kristus' -kynttilä, joka sytytetään jouluna.

Advent is a four week season in the calendar of the Christian. It is the beginning of the liturgical year and commences on Advent Sunday. There are four advent Sundays. The Finns lit candles each Sunday - such a thing as the Advent wreath is not known here. The Advent wreath is a Christian tradition that symbolizes the passage of the four weeks of Advent. It is usually a horizontal evergreen wreath with four or five candles. Beginning with the First Sunday of Advent an additional candle is lit during each subsequent week until, by the last week before Christmas, all four candles are lit. Some Advent wreaths include a fifth, "Christ" candle which can be lit at Christmas.

Advent wreath somewhere in the Uk... Although only two should be on today.


Breaking More Waves Blog said...

I thought advent was just about opening little doors and stuffing your face with the chocolates you find behind them !

I am official heathen number one !

emmdee said...

yes, I have heard there used to be some sort of religious festival at this time of year...